WhatsApp was again accused of wiretapping users

An American WhatsApp user accused the messenger of turning on the microphone itself during sleep. After this statement, a discussion began. Even billionaire Elon Musk joined it. He believes that WhatsApp cannot be trusted.


The businessman added that the application has been modified. Therefore, the founders of the messenger left the project. On this occasion, the expert of Roskachestvo Sergey Kuzmenko also spoke. He recalled that permissions are set by the user when installing WhatsApp. Access to the microphone will be required in order to record voice messages.

But no one knows how the app behaves outside of working moments. Perhaps it listens to the background and highlights trigger words in order to make an advertisement later. In conclusion, Sergey Kuzmenko stressed that third-party security researchers have not yet been able to catch WhatsApp by the hand. Roskachestvo also failed to do this. Earlier, Solovei.info reported that WhatsApp will change the design for the first time in several years.

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