How to create an AdSense account (step-by-step guide)

This first part of this step-by-step guide will show you how to create an AdSense account from start to finish. The next section explains how to activate your Google AdSense account after opening. And the last part answers questions about signing up for an AdSense account and discusses eligibility issues.


Think of this as your complete guide to opening an AdSense account so you can sign up for this ad service to start making money from your website. (Note: You must have a Google account to begin this process. If you have Gmail or another Google service, you already have a Google Account that can be used for AdSense.)

How to create an AdSense account

  1. Go to to sign in to AdSense.
  2. Click the “Get Started” button to create an AdSense account.
  3. Sign in to your Google Account to use it for AdSense.
  4. Enter the website URL where you want to show AdSense ads. If you don’t have a website property yet, select “I don’t have a website”.
  5. Choose whether you want Google AdSense to send you customized help and performance suggestions for your ads.
  6. Select your AdSense payment country or territory. This must be a place where you currently live and where you can receive a personal identification number (PIN) in the mail to verify your account. You can’t change your country or territory, so make sure it’s correct.
  7. Read and accept the AdSense Terms of Service.
  8. Click the “Start using AdSense” button.
  9. Discover your new Google AdSense account. Some features are not available until you complete the activation steps.
  10. Activate your AdSense account so that you can run ads on your website and earn money.

Activate your newly opened AdSense account

  • Go to the AdSense homepage to find the list of tasks you need to complete before Google can activate your account. Each task is explained below.
  • Enter your AdSense payment information. This includes your full name, mailing address, zip code, and phone number as they appear on your bank account.
  • Turn on automatic AdSense ads. This will allow ads to appear on your website once your account is activated.
  • Connect your website to AdSense. This includes adding your account’s JavaScript code between your website’s tags and tags.<head></head>
  • Check your site to make sure it complies with the AdSense program policies.
  • Wait for the email to let you know that your AdSense account is fully activated. Approval can take a few days or up to 4 weeks.

Note: You must complete the above activation steps within 6 months or your account will be deactivated. If you don’t open and activate your AdSense account within the required timeframe, you’ll see a “Reactivate account” link on your AdSense homepage.

Is Google AdSense account free?

A Google AdSense account is free and there are no fees to sign up or use AdSense to show ads on your website. Any Google Account owner with a website can create a free AdSense account.

Who is eligible for an AdSense account?

Applicants over the age of 18 are eligible for an AdSense account. The applicant’s website must also contain high-quality, original content that attracts an audience and complies with the Google AdSense program’s eligibility guidelines.

Can I sign in to AdSense without a website?

You can sign up for AdSense without a website if you have a blog on Google’s Blogger platform or a YouTube channel that qualifies for AdSense earnings. AdSense doesn’t require you to have a website, as long as you have one of these Google properties.

Check out these related guides to learn how to create an AdSense account for these platforms:

  • How to create an AdSense account for YouTube
  • How to create an AdSense account for Blogger

Can I open two AdSense accounts?

You can’t open two AdSense accounts. AdSense policies only allow one account per publisher. If you want to open a new AdSense account, you’ll need to link another Google Account as a login.

AdSense accounts can be linked to more than one website to earn money from ads. All you need to do is add the website URL to the list of AdSense sites so that it can accept ads and make money with Google AdSense.

Also, if you want to create an AdSense account for a business that’s separate from your personal AdSense account, you’ll need to submit a new AdSense application. Make sure that the account type (i.e., company) and payee name are different from your original application (i.e., individual) and that you can accept payments to that payee.

Can I create another Google AdSense account after deactivation?

Once you opt out, you won’t be able to create another AdSense account. This violates Google AdSense’s program policies and the new account will be closed after opening.

 AdSense disables accounts for the following reasons:

  • Misleading behavior: This includes clicking on the ads on your own website.
  • Invalid traffic: This includes generating automated or bot traffic.
  • Stimulating traffic source: This is done by using third-party sources to generate clicks or impressions, or to encourage visitors to click on ads.
  • Egregious content: This includes adult, adult, or illegal content.
  • Violation of Webmaster Guidelines: All sites associated with your AdSense account must comply with Google’s Webmaster Guidelines.

If your AdSense account has been disabled for policy reasons, you can appeal by following this link: Deactivated AdSense Account Policy Violation Appeal.

Create an AdSense account summary

I hope you’ve enjoyed this guide on how to create an AdSense account.

As you’ve noticed, the steps to create an AdSense account are quick and easy to follow. As long as you meet the eligibility requirements to open a Google AdSense account and sign up for only one account, you can use this service to monetize your website with ads.

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