The 2GIS map service has been removed from Google Play

2GIS explained that previously installed applications will continue to work, and new users can download 2GIS on the company’s website.


The service with 2GIS maps has been removed from the Google Play online store, the company said. Applications previously installed through the site will continue to work. New users are invited to download 2GIS from the company’s website or from any other available platform.

2GIS is a direct competitor to Yandex.Maps and Google Maps. But in the Russian regions it is more popular. Why? Eldar Murtazin, a leading analyst at Mobile Research Group, explains:

Eldar Murtazin
Senior Analyst at Mobile Research Group
"2GIS is a Russian cartography that has been developing very actively, and today it competes with maps from Yandex and even more so Google Maps. 2GIS is actively developing from the point of view of regions, in regions and not only, it works without an Internet connection. 2GIS came under sanctions as a subsidiary of Sberbank. 2GIS focuses on the fact that they work with local businesses, in this aspect they often have more up-to-date information for the regions, plus this is not only accuracy, these are also objects that are quite small. This variety of points makes 2GIS quite popular in the regions, in almost all. If we take regions, then the share of 2GIS is the same as that of Yandex.Maps, even higher. "Yandex.Maps" is leading at the expense of large cities and due to the fact that they are used in "Yandex.Taxi" and a number of other services of "Yandex". 2GIS is not so integrated into the Sberbank ecosystem yet, but it is integrated, it will give them growth. If we talk about cartography, it is quite good, they act on an equal footing, in some regions 2GIS is not as interesting as Yandex.Maps, due to the update, but in general, you will not notice a big difference as a consumer.

2GIS remains available for download in Huawei App Gallery, Samsung Galaxy Store, Xiaomi Getapps, NashStore, RuMarket and RuStore. Previously, the service was already removed from the AppStore, but in April of this year, the program was restored.

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