Special applications will help you hide secret information on your smartphone

Special applications will help protect personal data on your smartphone. Expert Vahe Zakaryan told the Prime agency about this. He mentioned services designed to keep private information out of prying eyes.


Some of them hide it under a password. Some services can hide information by simulating applications with a different purpose. They can, for example, look like a calculator.

The expert also recommends installing an antivirus. You also need to check your smartphone for spyware. The latter are well camouflaged, they have become very inventive. You don’t even have to guess that your smartphone transmits personal information to unauthorized persons.

To avoid leakage of private data, it is necessary to use all available ways to protect personal information and not to neglect the most basic rules, Vahe Zakaryan concluded. Earlier, he advised to disable some dangerous functions of the mobile phone.

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