In China, they learned how to develop AI without the latest American chips.

China has accelerated the development of AI technologies amid US sanctions on chip exports..


Having lost American chips due to sanctions on semiconductor exports, Chinese companies have accelerated research in the development of advanced artificial intelligence (AI), according to The Wall Street Journal publication on May 7.

According to sources of the publication, technology giants Huawei, Baidu and Alibaba have set out to achieve modern performance of neural networks, using fewer semiconductors or semiconductors of lower power. In addition, faced with sanctions, companies began to combine different types of semiconductors to avoid dependence on one particular type.

As a result, some innovative solutions have shown promising results and suggest that the PRC will successfully withstand US restrictions. To date, Alibaba and Baidu have already reduced domestic use of foreign semiconductors to the most time-consuming tasks, and Huawei has replaced more than 13, <> components with domestically produced versions over the past three years.

Meanwhile, sanctions pressure on China risks intensifying. As foreign media wrote earlier in the day, the new package of sanctions from Brussels includes restrictions on seven Chinese companies for allegedly providing support to the Russian army. For them to enter into force, the proposal must be unanimously approved by 27 Member States.

At the same time, back in March, the President of the European Commission (EC), Ursula von der Leyen, argued that at the moment the EU has no evidence that weapons are supplied to Russia from China. She stressed that the situation must be monitored every day.

In the same month, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz admitted the possibility of imposing EU sanctions on China if it became known that Beijing had provided military support to Moscow.


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