Comparison of Virtualization and Cloud Computing

Virtualization and cloud computing are co-technologies. They are needed to create efficient work environments from abstract resources. For example, virtualization produces a number of separate resources or simulated spaces based on a single physical machine. Cloud computing is a workload that resides in the cloud, which refers to an IT environment capable of abstracting, consolidating, and simultaneously applying scalable resources on the Internet. That is, looking ahead, we can say that virtualization is the basis of cloud computing. But first things first.

Getting acquainted with the concepts.


Cloud computing is a model that provides convenient network access to a common pool of computing resources on demand. This can be storage, a server, a network, or even an application. The main requirement for it is the rapid provision and release of the supplier with minimal management effort.

Virtualization is software. It creates multiple split images of hardware software on a single computer. Thanks to this solution, users will be able to install several operating systems, applications, programs on their PC.

The cloud is great for public use, but virtualization is for cost-effective and fast operation of the data center. To understand more deeply what is exposed, and what is better: IT infrastructure cloud vs virtual, it is necessary to get acquainted with each of the technologies in more detail.

Cloud Computing

Cloud Computing, that is, cloud computing is available by resources, is endowed with high fault tolerance, efficiency, flexibility and ease of operation, good scalability.

Based on the peculiarities of work, cloud environments can be:

  1. Public. They are accessed by an external service provider. They are characterized by rapid scaling in combination with minimal initial investment. Public servers are ready, upon the first request, to provide the user with the infrastructure that he needs to solve the problem. Also, customers will be able to use the computing power of the provider at the time when they need them. As soon as they are no longer needed, the “cooperation” stops. Payment is charged by the provider only for those resources that the client actually used.
  2. Private. In this case, the cloud infrastructure is built within a specific organization. There is no security threat, no bandwidth limitations. Other features inherent in the public network are relevant for the private one. Another feature of this cloud option is a higher degree of control. This also applies to user access to the network, which as a result has a positive effect on security and increases stability.

Benefits of Cloud Computing

Among the advantages of cloud computing is worth highlighting:

  • General availability: they can be used by all customers without restrictions. It will be enough just to have a corresponding account.
  • Cost-effectiveness. Cloud virtual infrastructure when working with applications will be optimal for the price.
  • There is no dependence on one specific computer. This increases the stability of work, minimizes the likelihood of failures.
  • There is no attachment to hardware resources. To access your infrastructure as quickly as possible, it will be enough to use the URL – a physical machine is not needed.
  • Work in real time. Several users can work with the same software application at the same time: as an example, with Google documents.
  • Independence of data storage from the server. This significantly increases the reliability of the cloud when working with backup, information recovery.
  • The cloud allows you to showcase software or software across the planet. One link will be enough for any user to access and be able to work with them unhindered.
  • High flexibility of access from anywhere in the world. Makes the use of the cloud convenient for both service providers and users

Types of Virtualizations

  1. Simulation, aka full emulation. Here, the machine makes all the hardware virtual. At the same time, the guest OS remains unchanged. Thanks to this, it became possible to emulate diverse hardware architectures.
  2. Native virtualization, aka partial emulation. Here, not all machines are virtualized, but a part that allows you to run in isolation. This solution made it possible to include guest hardware systems from the field of host architecture. Provides the ability to run multiple guest instances at the same time.
  3. Paravirtualization. In this case, there is no need to simulate installations. It uses a programming API that provides stable interaction with the guest OS.
  4. Virtualization at the OS level. It is used when you want to create several protected virtual servers, arranging them on one machine. As a result, we get server virtualization at the operating system level. That is, several guest systems will work with one host OS core. Such virtualization is used to provide hosting functionality. Then, when one core must support several custom virtual servers.
  5. Virtualization at the application level. Unlike the previous options, where virtual machines are used to isolate applications, a container is already created here. It will store everything that is required for the application to work.So you get a product that does not require installation on a similar platform.
  1. Resource virtualization. Simplifies the work of managing groups of resources, in particular data warehouses, networks, namespaces, etc. Can be performed both with the aggregation, concentration, aggregation of components, and with the separation of resources. In the first case, a separate pool is created from logical or physical objects, with which users will work. In the second case, one large resource is divided into several objects of the same type. Both options are characterized by high ease of use for customers.
  2. Encapsulation. Here the user gets a user-friendly interface. All problems and difficulties possible during implementation are excluded from the attention of users.

In practice, virtualization is widely used. For example, it can be used to consolidate servers. In this case, the load of one physical server will be increased to 60-80%, that is, its production capacity will be maximally used. Savings are achieved on equipment, its maintenance, electricity.

Another popular area of application of virtualization is the development and testing of programs. In this case, different operating systems can work simultaneously, which opens up new opportunities for specialists. In their access will be different configurations, platforms for complex testing of products.

Virtual technologies are also widely used in business processes. So, on some hardware capacities you can build stable systems, make backups of servers, workstations, etc. Thanks to virtualization, you do not need to bind the workstation to a specific device. It is enough to create it once to then use it on any other gadget. There are also a huge number of ready-made templates.

Benefits of Virtualization

The main advantages of virtualization include:

  • low installation cost;
  • the possibility of implementation on a personal computer, regardless of the type of OS;
  • flexibility of settings, work;
  • stability of operation even with low-speed access to the network;
  • minimum cost of equipment.

All this allows companies to significantly save both on the hardware, and on the personnel of the technical center, and on energy resources. And this has made the technology in demand in the financial sector, industry, in educational and medical institutions.

Key differences between cloud technologies and virtualization

In the table, the difference between cloud computing and virtualization will be more pronounced.


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