How to create Google Account

Have you just bought your first Android smartphone and do not know how to open your personal account on Google to access the Play Store and synchronize contacts online? Would you like to open an inbox on Gmail but, being impractical in terms of technology, you do not know how to do it? Don’t panic. Also this time you can count on my help!


Take a couple of minutes of free time all to yourself and find out how to create Google accounts by following the directions I’m about to give you. You can do it both from your computer and from your smartphone (or even from a tablet) and the operation is totally free as well as, contrary to appearances, extremely simple, even more. If you want to know how to create an account for some Google services, such as Classroom, Meet, Analytics or Workspace, I will give you some tips about it.

I also point out that in addition to opening a Gmail mailbox and accessing the Play Store on Android, by registering on Google you will have the opportunity to use the Google Drive online productivity suite, you will get space for online data storage, you can upload videos to YouTube and much more. In short, the advantages are practically endless. So, what are you waiting for? I just have to wish you a good read!

How to create Google Account from Computer

Do you usually connect to the Internet from your computer and would like to understand how to create Google account from PC? Well, then read the directions below and you will see that in a flash not only will you finally have a Google account ready to use, but you will also know how to juggle the various services available. The procedure to follow is the same regardless of the operating system used, be it WindowsmacOS or Linux.

Getting Started

If you are interested in understanding how to create a Google account acting from the computer, the first step you need to take is to connect to the home page of the search engine ( or and click on the Sign In button located at the top right.

On the page that opens, select the word Create account and select the item For me. You also have the possibility to create an account for a minor (in Italy 14 years is the minimum age to independently own a Google account without supervision) by selecting the item For my child, but in this regard I suggest you consult my guide on how to use Family Link, that is the management and parental control system for accounts intended for minors.

Once this is done, fill out the form that is proposed to you with the following information: namesurnameusername (ie the initial part of the Gmail address to be created) and password to access the service (to be repeated also in the Confirm password field). I recommend, set a secure password. After that click on the Next button.

On the next page, you can add a recovery email address and mobile phone number (to be used if you lose your login information), but they are not mandatory data. However, I advise you to add this information, as it could be very useful in case you have access problems.

Instead, you must provide your date of birth and gender. Again, press the Next button to continue to the next screen. Then choose how to customize your Google Account settings: you can choose to do the quick procedure, which ends in one step, or the manual one, which will require several actions on your part.

Whatever your choice, carefully follow the on-screen directions that will show you information about some features of Google services and their data retention method. Then make the appropriate choices (if you have selected the manual procedure) or press the Confirm button (in the case of the quick procedure).

Then accept the terms of service through the appropriate button and you’re done! You just created a Google Account! You’ll be immediately redirected to the main Google page where you were before your account was created. The access key at the top will be gone and in its place there will be a thumbnail with the initials of your account that you will need to manage its settings and access to other Google services, which I will tell you about in the next chapter.

Note: If you already have a Google account and want to add another one to use, for example, just for work, you can follow my guide on how to create another Gmail account and use two addresses at the same time. It’s not difficult.

Sign in to your account and related services

Now that you have finally figured out how to create a Google account, let’s find out how to access it from your computer and use all the various and any services connected to it. To begin with, you have to go to the home page of the search engine and click on the Login button located at the top right.

In the new web page that is shown to you at this point, type your Gmail address in the appropriate field on the screen and click Next, then type the password for your account and presses Next again. Then choose whether to stay connected or not even after closing the browser by leaving or removing the check mark from the appropriate item and then click on Login.

If two-step verification is enabled on your account (if you remember, I told you about it in detail in my guide on how to authenticate a Google account), you will also have to worry about providing the appropriate required security code that is sent to you via SMS / email or app generator such as Google Authenticator (Android / iOS / iPadOS).

After logging in to the account, you can easily access all the services offered by Google by clicking on the button with the squares at the top right of the search engine home, next to the thumbnail and selecting the one of your interest from the menu that opens.

Instead, as regards the management of your account, you must access the appropriate control panel made available by the same search engine or by clicking on the Manage your account button attached to the menu that is shown to you after clicking on the thumbnail in the Google home.

Once you see the web page related to the management of the Google account, you can access the different sections available: for example, by pressing on the Security tab you can manage your account settings related to password and access, while selecting the Data and privacy tab you can manage the visibility settings and data that the search engine uses to customize your experience.

If the computer you are using is often used by other family members, work colleagues, etc., I suggest that you log out of your account when you no longer need to be logged in. How do you do it? Nothing could be easier: just click on your thumbnail at the top right of the search engine home, press the Exit button in the window that will open and you’re done.

Not interested in signing out of your Google Account but want to delete it (maybe because you’ve thought about it or for any other reason)? Then read my post on how to delete Google account through which I proceeded to explain how to act in great detail. If you are having trouble accessing your account because you do not remember your password or your Gmail address, you can follow the steps I have indicated in my tutorial dedicated to how to recover a Google account to try to remedy it.

How to create Google accounts on smartphones and tablets

The computer is not for you, you mostly use a smartphone or tablet and would therefore like to understand how to create Google accounts from Android or iPhone / iPad? No problem! As I have already anticipated in the introduction of my tutorial, you can also do this. What? Read the directions below and you’ll find out right away.


If you have an Android smartphone or tablet you can create a Google account without taking the trouble to turn on the computer and register as we have just seen together. To open a Google / Gmail address from Android, go to Settings (the gear icon located on the home screen or in the drawer), scroll down the menu until you get to the Users and accounts section and presses the Add account button.

At this point, select the Google logo, press on the items Create an account > For me and fill out the form that is proposed to you, typing your personal information and password to be associated with your Gmail account and then follow the on-screen instructions. The registration procedure to the Google account is the same as what I have already indicated in the chapter dedicated to the browser procedure: then refer to the latter for more details.

If your intent is to create multiple Google Accounts, follow exactly what is indicated in the previous lines, so that you can add more than one Gmail address to your Android device. Obviously, in case you already have a Google account, as it was previously created by PC or other devices, you simply have to log in from your Android smartphone / tablet.

To do this, open the Settings app and select the Users and accounts items > Add Google > account and log in with your Gmail address and the password associated with it and, if necessary, also enter the verification code to confirm your identity, received via SMS / email or through the code generation app.

By doing this, you can add as many Google Accounts as you prefer that you previously created. Just remember that the first Google Account you enter on your device is the one that will be used for pairing. This means that you can remove all Google accounts without any problems but removing the main one can result in some personal data being lost.

I also point out that, after adding one or more Google accounts to your Android smartphone or tablet, the apps that can use its access data, such as YouTubeGmail or Google Drive, just to give you some examples, log in automatically, without you having to do anything. At most, you will be asked which Google account to sign in with, in case there is more than one stored on the device.


If you have an iPhone or iPad, you can create a Google Account by following similar directions to those previously seen for Android. All you have to do is start the Settings app that you find on the home screen or in the App Library and select the Contacts item (or the Calendar item or, again, those Mail > Account).

At this point, presses the Add account button, then on the Google item and press the Continue button. At this point, you will be shown a Google web screen to sign in. Of course, if you already have one because you created it on another device, you can follow the on-screen directions to login.

If not, press the Create an account button and follow the on-screen prompts to create a Google account. The indications are the same as those I have indicated in the chapter dedicated to the browser procedure. By following these directions you can create or add all the Google accounts you have on your iPhone/iPad.

When you use an app that requires you to sign in with your Google Account, such as Gmail, YouTube, or similar apps, you may be recalled the account already stored on your device through the steps in the previous lines, or you may need to sign in, retyping your Gmail address and the password associated with it.

How to create Google Accounts for school

Want to know how to create a Google Classroom account? Nothing could be simpler! You should know that this Google service is part of the Education program of this company and can be used by schools and, specifically, by teachers and students. All you need to do is be enabled by your school or, alternatively, sign in with your Google Account to use some Google Classroom features for free to create or participate in classes.

In this regard, if your goal is also to know how to create Google accounts, I suggest you consult the web page of this service, in order to request, in the eventuality, also a contact with the sales team. You can also deepen the topic on the use of Google Classroom, reading in detail my dedicated tutorial.

How to create Google Meet accounts

Google Meet is a Google platform to make group calls and video calls, to create and participate in meetings or distance lessons, thanks to the integration with Classroom.

To create meetings, you necessarily need a Google account, which I told you about in a previous chapter. To join a video conference instead, you can also do it without an account, as a guest user. In case you want to know more about this topic, I recommend reading my tutorial on how to access Google Meet and the one on how this service works.

How to create Google Workspace accounts

Google Workspace, formerly known as G Suite, is a workspace that includes several Google services enriched with advanced features. It’s a great service for teams to organize and manage their work.

To use it, you just need a Google account, but you need to subscribe from 4.68 euros / user / month. To learn more about this Google virtual workspace, I recommend reading my tutorial on how to create a Google Workspace account and how to access Google Workspace.

How to create Google Analytics accounts

Do you want to create a Google Analytics account so that you can use this service to monitor the detailed statistics of your website? In this case, know that all you have to do is have a simple Google account, which I told you about in this chapter, to access this service.

Each Google account, in fact, is eligible to access this service but, of course, you have to verify the ownership of the website you want to monitor, to see its statistical data. If you want to have more details about Google Analytics, then I suggest you read carefully all the suggestions I have provided you in this tutorial.

How to create Google My Business accounts

Google My Business is a Google service, mainly associated with Google Maps (but not necessarily), to create a card of your work / business, adding all the information relating to the business and professional activity that takes place and the services / products offered.

To use this service, you only need a Google Account, and then you can manage an existing property (if not claimed by another user) or create a new one. In this regard, I suggest you read all the advice I gave you in my tutorial on how Google My Business works.

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