Camera manufacturer Canon is thinking about releasing its own smartphone

Well-known manufacturers of photographic equipment have recently reduced the production of their products, and some of them have ceased to exist altogether. The main reason for this trend is the rapid development of smartphones, the quality of cameras in which is practically in no way inferior to expensive cameras. What to do in order to save your business?


A well-known camera manufacturer, Canon decided to go a non-standard way, and is looking for a partner among smartphone manufacturers.

Although this technique cannot be called new. There is already an excellent experience of cooperation between Leica and the Chinese smartphone manufacturer Huawei, and we must admit the fact that the quality of pictures from smartphones of this brand was at the highest level. After the introduction of US sanctions, their tandem broke up, and now Leica is working with Xiaomi.

Another optics manufacturer, Zeiss, is actively cooperating with another Chinese company, Vivo, and there is also a significant improvement in the performance of smartphone cameras. The logo of the Swedish manufacturer Hasselblad today flaunts on Oppo and OnePlus smartphones.

Canon is one of the leaders in the market of products for photo and videography, and its rich experience is sure to be useful to any smartphone manufacturer. But that’s just all potential customers have long been dismantled. All of the above smartphone manufacturers are already falling away as they have everything. Apple and Samsung will definitely not cooperate with Canon, because they have learned how to make excellent photo modules on their own.

The option with Huawei suggests itself, but this company is under US sanctions, and it has a strong position only in China. There is an option with Honor. But it’s worth waiting for the official news.

Alternatively, Canon can release its smartphone with its own photo module. And why not? All smartphones today are similar to each other like two peas in a pod. In fact, these are constructors in which manufacturers change the set of parts. And Canon will be able to find the right people to do the job for them. The only problem left is to create a competitive photo module and embed it in a smartphone. Well, the specialists of this company do not need to be taught this …

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